Parents/guardians are always welcome in Coláiste Mhuire. Parents should feel free to ring or make an appointment to speak to a teacher or the relevant Year Head if the need arises by phoning the Secretary's Office.
Nobody except members of the school staff may go to a classroom without the permission of the school authorities. Parents coming to the school for any reason must come to the Office and inform the school authorities of their presence and business in the school.
Formal Parent / Teacher meetings are held once a year for each year group. Written reports are sent home at Christmas and in the summer for all pupils. 3rd, 5th and 6th Year pupils have written reports send home more frequently.
Parents are asked to check and sign the Dialann Scoláire once a week (First Years daily) and to ensure that to pupils complete the prescribed homework to the best of their ability, that they bring in the books and copies required every day and that they arrive in time and in proper uniform.
In the Transition Year the help of parents is essential in providing work experience placements for pupils and in supporting ‘business affairs’ generally. If you feel you could contribute to the school in any of these ways, we would love to hear from you at any time.
Páirceáil sa Scoil
Rinne Bord Bainistíochta Choláiste Mhuire cinneadh, ar bhonn sláinte agus sábháilteachta de, cosc a chur ar pháirceail sa chlós ag tús agus deireadh an lae scoile. Mar sin, níl cead ag tuismitheoirí tiomáint isteach thar geataí na scoile idir 08:00 agus 08:45 agus idir 15:00 agus 16:00.
Faoi láthair, tá cead páirceála lasmuigh de na hamanna sin agus ag ócáidí ar leith ar nós cruinnithe tuismitheoirí-múinteoirí, oícheanta eolais, coinní, srl.
The Board of Management of Coláiste Mhuire decided, for health and safety reasons, to forbid parking on the school grounds at the beginning and the end of the school day. Therefore parents may not drive through the school gates between 08:00 and 08:45 and between 15:00 and 16:00.
For now, parking is being permitted outside of those times and for special events such as parent-teacher meetings, information evenings, appointments, etc.