Ba sa bhliain 1931 a chuir na Bráithre Críostaí, Coláiste Mhuire ar bun chun meánoideachas lán-Ghaeilge a chur ar fáil. Tá Coláiste Mhuire anois faoi Iontoabhas Scoileanna Éamonn Rís. Cáil na hacadúlachta atá ag roinnt leis an scoil ón gcéad lá. Tá iarscoláirí aitheanta de chuid na scoile ar fáil sa saol gnó, sa pholaitíocht, sna meáin, sa saol acadúil, sa cheol, sa spórt agus sa Státseirbhís. Ó athlonnaíodh an scoil go Bóthar Ráth Tó i mí Lúnasa 2003, tá tús curtha ag Coláiste Mhuire le ré nua ach leis an mbunchloch ionraic céanna agus leis na caighdeáin arda céanna.

Coláiste Mhuire was established in 1931 by the Irish Christian Brothers, with the purpose of providing second level education through the medium of Irish. The school is now under the new trusteeship of The Edmund Rice Schools Trust. It has a tradition of high academic achievement. Past pupils include well known people in the areas of business, politics, broadcast media, academia, music, sport and the Civil Service. Since its relocation to Rataoth Road in 2003 the school has again re-established itself as a school of integrity and high standards.